We went for our four-month check up yesterday, and all is well! Carrie does have a touch of eczema, which is not fun, but it doesn't seem to be bothering her too much. She does have some pretty bad cradle cap from it, but the pediatrician gave us some stuff that should hopefully take care of it. No more sweet-smelling Johnson & Johnson lotion/bath soap for us either :( We have to use Aveeno products and then slather her with Aquaphor, which is a slimy lotion that is supposed to help treat the eczema and get it under control. Changing her diaper has a whole new dimension of difficulty now. Not only is she trying to wiggle away and roll around, but she's like a greased pig with that stuff on her!
Vital stats from this trip to the ped: 14lbs, 2 oz (YIKES!), 23.5 inches long. She's in the 75th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height...ooops. We really do have a good eater on our hands :) We also got more vaccines yesterday which was more traumatic for me than Carrie. Oh she screamed alright, but I think I cried longer than she did!
We're attempting to get a family picture taken this weekend, so keep your fingers crossed. Last time we tried it took two hours, a bottle, and a walk around the mall and still we only ended up with spit-up all over me & Jerry. Wish us luck!
Vital stats from this trip to the ped: 14lbs, 2 oz (YIKES!), 23.5 inches long. She's in the 75th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height...ooops. We really do have a good eater on our hands :) We also got more vaccines yesterday which was more traumatic for me than Carrie. Oh she screamed alright, but I think I cried longer than she did!
We're attempting to get a family picture taken this weekend, so keep your fingers crossed. Last time we tried it took two hours, a bottle, and a walk around the mall and still we only ended up with spit-up all over me & Jerry. Wish us luck!