It's been awhile since I've posted, so I thought I'd better check in and write something before folks get bored and quit checking this blog!

We've had pretty laid back days lately, which is nice. This past weekend we took Carrie to the beach for basically the first time. I mean, we took her last year when she was about 3 months old, but all we did was sit in the little tide pools and splash a bit, then she got mad with the sand in her diaper. So that trip to the beach lasted about 20 minutes....which was a pain since it took about 45 minutes to actually get to the beach. Plus I was paranoid about her getting too much sun. Not that that's changed at all.
Anyways, back to the beach trip. She LOVED it. Loved everything about the beach. The sand? Great fun to toss around, dig in, sit in, you name it. The waves? Even better. She tried crawling into the ocean (she's still preferring crawling over walking, which is getting a little old) and realized that wasn't such a great idea when she got smacked in the face with a wave. She did think that was somewhat funny, though. She loved for me to hold on to her little hands while standing in the ocean, then pull her up at the last second over a wave. She played with one of my new Junior League-Savannah friends, Tricia, and thought she was the greatest thing since sliced bread...I think that may have something to do with all the food Tricia had hidden in her beach bag. Jerry dug a big hole for Carrie to sit in, and she thought this was pretty cool because she could sit in there, then Daddy would cover her legs up with sand. All in all a great day at the beach, even if we were only there for 2 hours. We are thinking we're going to take her back this next Sunday to see Hon & Pop at the beach house.
We're considering a trip down to Gainesville the first week in August, although I'm not sure I can handle it just yet. I really love our house there, especially Carrie's room. I'm getting teary just thinking about it. I know we'll find a great home here once we sell the FL house and I'll come to love it just as much....I just think of the FL house as "Carrie's house" I guess. Ironic seeing as how she's certainly not contributing to paying the mortgage each month, but oh well :) I'm surprisingly calm about the fact that our house has not sold yet. I knew going in it would take probably at least a year, if not more. We've lowered the price a couple of times, of course, and had lots of lookers, just no written contracts yet. (Mom, you can insert the "I told you so" comments here :) ) It's frustrating not to have our own "space" to be sure, but I keep telling myself it will be worth it once it's all said and done.
We are definitely heading to Atlanta on 8/7, though, and I'm totally excited about that. It's been WAY too long since we were up there last (Memorial Day), so we're overdue for a visit. It should be lots of fun!!
I guess that's about it. I'll leave you with a few pictures here that Alston took when she last visited of Carrie and her absolute favorite food.