I can't believe I haven't posted here in almost a month. Shame on me!!
There's been so much going on in the Reeves household. Anna started walking about two days after she turned 11 months. Granted, it's not like she's sprinting around the room just yet, but she will take 10 or 12 wobbly steps then either do a face plant or plop down on her bottom. Carrie was all "MOMMY! Anna's walking like a big girl!" Yes, yes she is Carrie - and you have ZERO clue about how this is going to totally turn your world upside down once she does get the hang of this walking thing.
We are busy preparing for Anna's first birthday. I just cannot believe it's been almost a year. Sniff. She's growing up too fast people.
Anna has also started drinking whole milk. This is met with mixed emotions for me. I am so very glad that she's drinking it like a champ, especially since I'm heading away this weekend for my girls' weekend. However, on the other hand it makes me sad to think that our nursing relationship is quickly going out the door. I know this is probably my last child (notice I just cannot bring myself to say that Anna's definitely my last child), so I know this will be my last nursing experience. I have to say that I never in a million years thought I would be so committed to this. Before Carrie was born I just kept saying "Lord please let me at least make it to three months!" Being able to make it a year with both girls has truly been a blessing, both emotionally and financially. I do have to admit that never having to buy a single can of formula has been good on the wallet! More than that though I feel like I've been able to provide my girls with a great start, one which will hopefully keep them from getting Crohn's. I know that there's no guarantee that they won't get it just because I breastfed them, but reading several medical journal articles that cited the relationship between nursing and incidence rates of Crohn's was enough for me to commit to it for as long as I could go. It will be oh so nice to get my body back, though, and not have to get up at 5am to pump!!
Carrie just started her new three year old class yesterday and loved it. This transition went WAY better than the transition to the two year old class last year. I think a lot of that had to do with Jerry being gone, me about to give birth to Anna, and just chaos in general. There was so much going on in Carrie's life at that time; it was a lot of change for one little girl. She is truly a little girl now - no more baby. She continues to have meltdowns on pretty much a daily/every other day basis, but we still love her for it ;)
That's about it for us these days. I am heading out of town this Thursday for my girls' weekend. I am looking forward to some bonding time, some drinking time.....and some uninterrupted, sleep as late as you want time!