Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This is so weird...I'm sitting here on GT-Atlanta's campus...not as a student, but as an employee. Campus has changed dramatically since Jerry and I were here as undergrads. Some things are still the same - the student center is still in the same place, but has undergone some major renovations and looks WAY better now than when I was here. Some things are new, though - the old student athletic complex has been demolished to make way for the new Campus Recreation Center (it apparently had to have a new name to go along with new multi-million dollar building). It's obvious that we got cheated while we were here :)

I can only imagine what it will look like in 17 years when Carrie is a freshman here ;) Seriously, I am going to try to be really good and not pressure her into going to GT, although I think it would be one of the best decisions she could make. I'm happy just as long as she doesn't go to a certain school north of here in Athens or one south of here in Gainesville FL. I don't want her to go to UGA just on principle, and I've seen what goes on in Gainesville.

I'll post about her first birthday festivities shortly, once I'm back in Savannah from my trip to ATL. I also have to get all the pics from Ken - he took over 300 pictures on Saturday, so I finally just quit taking them and let him run with it.

1 comment:

Fitz said...

I personally think Carrie would make a great Spider. :)