So I figured I'd post about some fun stuff instead of just blasting people over vaccines :)
Carrie's still not walking, but I'm okay with that. She just turned 13 months, and frankly, as long as everything's okay with her, I'm not in a terribly hurry to have to chase her butt all over creation. I mean, it's hard enough to keep up with her with how fast she can crawl these days. When she's on all fours it's all we can do to keep her from hurtling herself down the stairs (she's good at going up them, not so much going down) or hauling it into the pantry area where she enjoys activities such as pulling out koozies and throwing them everywhere or stacking and unstacking cans of veggies.
We're going on our first ever airplane ride tomorrow evening. Pray for me. We're flying from Savannah to Atlanta to visit my parents. I was supposed to get to go up there for my cousin's graduation on 5/10, but my surgery sort of put the kibosh on that jaunt. So I traded in my one day ticket to go fly up tomorrow and return on Monday. At least Carrie's first airplane ride will be a short one since it only takes about 30-45 minutes to fly Savannah-Atlanta. I apparently was NOT paying attention when booking the flights, though. Our plane tomorrow leaves at 6:30pm...right in the middle of dinner...great. We arrive and will be leaving the ATL airport around 8 or so....right around bedtime...great. Then, just for giggles, I scheduled our return flight on Monday at 7pm. Still right in the middle of the whole eat dinner-go to bed routine, which is bad enough, but we'll have to be at the airport around 5pm. This is when the Princess is usually waking up from her nap. I figure I'll have a little monster on my hands, but oh well. Should be interesting - check back next week for the gory details.
Carrie continues to eat like a little piglet. I have no clue where it all goes, honestly. The kid is maybe 19 lbs soaking wet at 13 months old. Currently the only thing she doesn't really care for are green veggies (except broccoli)...last night she took one look at a butter bean and wrinkled her nose up and swiped it to the side of her tray. Of course, it was also meatloaf night, and I swear that kid can eat her weight in meatloaf. She had a ton of meatloaf, some bites of mashed potatoes, a few cubes of cantaloupe...oh yeah, and a bottle of milk before bed. It's no wonder she sleeps through the night - she's in a food coma.
One thing we're trying to work on is naming everything and emphasizing "please." She has this habit of pointing and whining to get something. She very obviously knows what the different items are, because when you ask her "where's the _____" she points right to it. I'm taking my grandmother's lead on this, because she said she had the same issue with one of my uncles; he'd just point to get what he wanted, and wouldn't use words until she just stopped getting him whatever he pointed towards. Yes, I realize she's only a year and probably doesn't have the ability to say "Mom - can you please hand me that hunk of steak off your plate? I'd really like to eat it, regardless of the fact that it's your dinner" but hopefully by starting early we can curb the incessant whining/pointing pattern. If anyone has any advice, I'm all ears.
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