Thursday, September 4, 2008


Okay, so this is a departure from the regular Carrie-boo post, but it's so in my face these past two weeks I can't help but comment.

So obviously we are in an election year. I try VERY hard not to discuss politics with friends or co-workers. Why? Because I made the mistake of doing that one time at one place of employment, and spent an entire day feeling attacked because of my opinion. After that little episode, I vowed never to talk politics again in the workplace or with close friends. It's usually just too much of a powder keg and can lead to some hurt feelings. I think my family knows where I stand on most things, but they have to love me no matter what and regardless of whether or not they agree :)

What I am encouraged by, though, is the fact that so many people, for the first time from what I can remember since being able to vote, are actually paying attention to the issues and care enough to learn about these two candidates we have to choose from. People are researching where they stand, and trying to decide which candidate best suits themselves and their family. There's never going to be a perfect candidate that makes everyone in America happy. I guess that's part of the beauty of America - LOTS of differing opinions. But at least people are forming opinions and will presumably act upon them come November. I hope we see record turnout at the polls. Just remember folks - you can't complain about who's in the White House if you didn't vote.

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