"Carrie was bitten by another student today on her lower right back. It was unprovoked...." I believe there was much more written on there, but honestly how could I pay attention to anything else? Some kid BIT my kid on the back, hard enough to leave a mark on the poor child!! What the hell is that about? I could not for the life of me believe that happened. The teachers were of course very apologetic, and admitted that the kid who did this was a kid they've been working with to stop him/her from biting. It doesn't seem to be phasing her, although we did slather it with Neosporin before putting her PJs on.
Whizzy said the same thing happened when she took Jerry to a Junior League meeting. She said she was pretty livid when it happened. I think I was just so in shock I sort of brushed it off when she originally told me what happened, but now that kid is a wanted kid. Good thing they didn't call out the student by name on Carrie's little report card :)
On that note I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of what happens when you leave Carrie alone for 2.5 seconds...she becomes the next spokesmodel for Clinique. Thankfully I caught her in the act before she could get too carried away!

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