Not really. Well, part of the weekend was a lot of fun, the other part, not so much. Let me back up.
Mom decided at the last minute to come visit us in the lowcountry this past weekend. She got here rather late on Friday due to crazy Atlanta traffic. But when Carrie woke up on Saturday morning she was SO excited to see Lady sitting on the couch waiting for her! Once we all got ready for the day, we headed out to a quick trip to the Starbucks (which she can identify and say, now...great), then to the outlets. Of course Carrie managed to come away from the trip with several new outfits and a couple pair of shoes. Next was lunch and then a nap for Carrie. She wasn't feeling 100% it seemed, so she napped for 3.5 hours! We then loaded her back up to run to Target to get a few essentials (um, like diapers), then dinner at Atlanta Bread Company. When she didn't eat but maybe 2 bites of her cheese pizza, I knew something was up. So we headed back and she immediately went back to sleep.
We knew there was bad weather coming into the area, but it didn't seem to be really affecting us too much. Mom & I went to sleep around midnight, then for some reason I woke up around 2:45. I look at the TV (because I always sleep with the TV on. Weird, I know), and the next thing I know I see a tornado warning for Beaufort & Jasper Counties in SC. Yep, that would be us. I go wake up Mom and say "Um, I'm thinking we might want to head over to the bigger house cause we're under a tornado warning for the next hour." We had a tree hit the house when I was younger, so any sign of bad weather and my mother is moving pretty darn fast. We dragged Carrie out of bed, rounded up the three dogs that were here (the others went with Whizzy & Pop-Pop to the mountains) and headed over to the main house. We proceeded to all pile into a hallway bathroom. All six of us. It had to be entertaining to see, but not so much at the time. Luckily the hour passed with no further excitement, so then we went back over to the cottage and went back to sleep. I thought maybe Carrie would sleep in a bit since we had all that excitement in the middle of the night, but she really only slept an extra 30 minutes or so.
So that was our excitement for the weekend. Not what I'd call fun, but something good for the blog nonetheless. Now I'm sitting here listening to a very unhappy child over the monitor...turns out that bad cough she had that I took her to the ped for last week has turned into bronchitis. Took her back to the ped this morning, where they gave her an antibiotic and liquid albuterol. Seriously? When you give a child a prescription for this stuff they should warn you that it will jack them up and make them never want to sleep again. Ugh.
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