So you know that "to do list" I talked about in an earlier post? Yeah, well, there's one thing that was NOT on my list that I ended up doing today....going to the ER with a myself...and I was the patient. Geez.
I feel like SUCH a klutz. I don't know if the belly's got me off kilter or what. We were standing in the post office today when Carrie decided to bolt. I took off after her, and managed to have my feet come out from under me just as I got to her and landed square on my butt and my right hand. Good lord, seriously? I think the poor post office employees thought I was going to sue the government (as if they have anything to pay me off with!). It freaked Carrie out a bit because she just sort of stood there sucking her thumb like "Uh oh...I'm thinking maybe I had something to do with this, and maybe it wasn't a good idea to bolt away from Mommy." I got up and, other than my butt and hand hurting, I really felt fine. I wasn't too concerned since I didn't land on my belly.
So I mail my package, load Carrie up in the car, and head over to Target. I decided to call the OB on call service just to be sure I wasn't being stupid in thinking everything was okay. Well, as soon as I told them I fell it didn't seem to matter how I fell or what I landed on, they wanted me to come in. Keep in mind my hospital is about 40 minutes away. So I loaded up Carrie in the car and headed to Savannah. By the time I got there I was convinced something was wrong. And get this - I had to sit in the ER so I could be evaluated from a trauma standpoint before being sent up to Labor & Delivery to make sure my baby was okay. This did not sit well with me. I think the nurse that triaged me could tell and they sent me back quickly and got the doppler out. Once I heard that whoosh whoosh of the baby's heartbeat I immediately calmed down. However, Carrie did not. She didn't like the doc or nurse doing anything to Mommy. I guess it freaked her out, so those were the only times she was a real handful at the ER. Since I landed on my hand they wanted to do an x-ray of my wrist to make sure I didn't break it (um, pretty sure I didn't since I can move it around, but whatever). Once that was cleared, I was sent up to L&D to be monitored. More upsetness from Carrie when they wanted me to get into the bed with the monitors, so Carrie and I were snuggled up on one of those tiny little hospital beds. She did seem to like listening to the heartbeat at least. After about 2.5 hours in L&D I was finally released, deemed in fine health, although my ego bruised a bit and my poor toddler napless, and we headed home. We were there a total of about 5 hours. Carrie got up this morning around 7am, had no nap at all during the day and she and I split apple juice and a 100 calorie Cheez-It pack for lunch. Needless to say as soon as we got home we filled our bellies and she put up zero fight to go to bed. I don't think I'm too far behind her.
It's a darn good thing I had my dream pregnancy with Carrie. I'm not sure I would have been so eager to have another had this pregnancy been my first. I feel like such a bad mommy to this child already - I've been to the ER twice, had to get a shot of morphine b/c of my Crohn's, had to get an x-ray of my busted hand, have been on prednisone for about 6 weeks so far, and will probably have to go back on Remicade before this child pops out because of the Crohn's. I know I need to do what I need to do to stay healthy for the baby, but really? Gggggrrrrr.....
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