Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Made it back!!

So I've made it back safe and sound from my whirlwind Portugal/Spain trip. I will provide more details later (i.e. when I can upload all of the pictures that will help me to remember what I did on this trip, cause there was a LOT!), but I just wanted to say hi to everyone and let you know I'm back on this side of the pond. It was sooooo good to see Jerry. I hold it together fairly well these days with him being gone, but I miss him more than words can say. There were definitely tears in the Madrid airport (and not just on my part, although I was responsible for a marjority of them...sorry Jerry!)

Two transatlantic flights gives you a lot of time to think, and one thing I realized during this trip - I am one incredibly blessed and lucky person. I mean, I already knew that, but trips like this really bring it back into perspective for me, you know? I have one amazing husband and one really cool kid (about to have one more really cool kid!!) My parents and in-laws are the greatest people on the face of the earth to pretty much drop everything they are doing to take care of Carrie so I could go have this experience of visiting Jerry and getting to mark two more countries off my "to visit" list. I have a lifestyle such that I can go to all these great countries and have all of these wonderful (and not so great) travel experiences (just wait till I blog about the hotel train, folks). I have been to many more countries than most people will ever get to go to in their lives, and I'm only 32. For the most part I have my health. There are people WAY worse off than me, although I confess that sometimes I have to remind myself of that when my Crohn's is flaring and I feel like whining. I still have a job in this economic climate, and Jerry was able to land one.

All in all, I think I'm a pretty lucky gal.


Jen Dalton said...

Hey! Glad you are home safe and sound. Sometimes, we just don't take the quiet time to think about how lucky and blessed we are. It is so easy to get wrapped up in our world. So glad you were able to spend time with your hubby, too. Any chance of seeing you soon?? Love you guys!

a said...

can't wait to see pics!
glad you had a great time. jerry will be home before ya' know it!
love you