Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mover and shaker

That would be Anna, who's now crawling a full two months before her sister ever even thought of crawling.  She's not full-on crawling, but is doing the military crawl, which has proven to be enough to send Carrie into fits of "MOMMY!!!!!  SHE'S STEALING MY TOYS!!!!!"  Sure, Carrie, like she's going to round up all your toys and you'll never see them again.  No, m'dear....that won't happen for at least a few more months.  Ah, the joys of sibling rivalry.  I never got to experience that - I was the only child so I didn't necessarily have to share my toys/books/etc with anyone else (at least until my cousin Brandy came along and we grew up so close to each other that we may as well have been sisters).  

It's so much fun to see Anna and Carrie interact with each other.  Anna just looks at Carrie like she hung the moon.  Carrie, not so much, but she does have her moments of just giving Anna kisses for no reason other than she loves her little sister.  And they really have started to play together, as much as a 7 month old can play with anyone.  I have no doubt that it will just get more and more interesting as the days go on!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Anna's starting the process of eating solid food, but not without a fight.  It's weird territory for me because pretty much as soon as we put food in front of Carrie she ate it like she'd been starving her entire life and there was no looking back.  This kid has a clear preference for milk, though, and so it's been a little more slow going.  We've tried bananas which were met with a lukewarm reception, sweet potatoes were met with a weird face, and squash was just plain spit out.  Jerry, Kayla, and I have all tried different ways to get her to eat and she'll take at most 2 bites and be done.  Joan (the new nanny) did get her to eat an entire cube of sweet potatoes but over the course of an entire day.  Then all of a sudden last night it was like she decided this eating solid food thing wasn't so bad and ate all of her bananas, even opening her mouth up wide for another bite each time.  Hopefully this is the start of a trend and not a one time event!

(and yes, she has clothes - this is just the easier way to do food these days!)

I'm making my own food again this time around which is way easy (and way cheaper).  This website is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to do the same.  Super Baby Food is another great book to help get started.  And my sister-in-law gave me a few wonderful books when I did this with Carrie that have all kinds of yummy recipes for kiddos just starting out on the solid food track (thanks Aunt Alston!), which I am happy to report I've managed to keep up with throughout all the moves we've had since Carrie was born.  I dusted those off this weekend and will be putting those to good use very soon.  For now I think carrots or apples are up next on the list of foods to try. 

Oh, and we finally made a decision on Carrie's third birthday party.  This castle will be in our backyard, along with potentially 16 other screaming 2 and 3 year olds.  Invitations will be going out shortly.  Everyone please say a small prayer for us. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

"That" moment...

You know how you always hear about someone's kid making some sort of really loud, highly embarassing remark out in public?  Well, we had one of those on Saturday....

It was a nice day so we were sitting outside at Jim N Nicks, a yummy BBQ place near the house.  We were out running errands and Carrie just busted out with "I want some lunch.  Let's go to Jim N Nicks."  (and that's not a joke - I think that's pretty much verbatim what she said).  So we went. 

Now, I am the first to admit I watch a lot of crap TV when given the opportunity.  Hey, I could be addicted to a lot worse things.  One of the guilty pleasures is The Biggest Loser.  If you watch anything on NBC then you've seen the promos for it, and apparently so has Carrie.  And she's been paying attention.  There's a guy on there that is, obviously, overweight and has really curly hair. 

Anyone want to guess where this is headed? 

So we're sitting outside and she spies a man coming up the front walk that is, yes, a bit overweight, but has the exact same hair as Daris on The Biggest Loser.  So she busts out with "Mommy!!  He's on The Biggest Loser!!!" 

I'm pretty sure the guy heard what she said, although I can't be totally sure since I had pretty much slunk down in my chair as far as humanly possible.  It takes a lot to mortify Jerry, and I could tell by the look on his face that he was just that. 

She keeps us on our toes, that one.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ya think they're related?

Carrie at 6 months

Anna at 6 months.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


How is it possible that my baby is almost three years old??? I cannot believe this and actually am in pretty strong denial about it. She does things that I still don't think she should be capable of doing yet - telling me a stop sign is an octagon, the bed is a rectangle, counting to 20, singing her months of the year song, you name it. Of course, then she goes into full on toddler mode (aka pitching an almighty fit) and I'm all "yep, she's three!"

So now I must get started on the party planning. I'm thinking of just doing it at Island Playground and inviting her friends from school. It's a one-stop shopping sort of thing. I write a check and someone else does all the work. Sounds great to me. But then I sent this link to Jerry and he's all excited about doing this instead. I wonder if he realizes this is a toddler party and not an adult party?! I know she'd love to have her very own bounce house in her backyard, but it just sounds like extra work for Mommy & Daddy to host people at the house (not to mention make sure the house is looking decent).

I looked at the options and I know she'd love the Disney Princess one, but then read on there "your princess won't want this to end!" Yeah, no joke. It'll be like WWIII when they come back to tear that thing down and I am left to try to explain to her that no sweetie, we don't get to keep the Disney castle as our own personal play yard.

What to do, what to do?

Friday, March 5, 2010

M&Ms and potty training

Let this be a warning to parents everywhere about the pros and cons of using M&Ms as a reward for going to the potty...

We started in earnest to potty train Carrie around the Christmas holidays. I had high hopes of it happening before Anna was born, but that was a bit more than I was willing to take on while Jerry was gone. So Christmas seemed like the perfect time since we would be home more than usual and could throw her in big girl undies and see what happened. And that's precisely what we did, basically. Put her in them and said "Okay kid, tell us when you need to go!" It took a few times, but honestly after a couple of days she really got the hang of it. The big thing was getting her to poop in the potty. She wasn't really having any of that, at least until I decided to do what I didn't really want to do and offer M&Ms as a reward for pooping in the potty. I didn't want to go down the path of giving food as a reward....but I also didn't want to continue buying two sets of diapers.

The M&M trick was an instant hit. Overnight she decided that pooping wasn't that bad. She would announce to us "I need to go poop and then I get 5 M&MS!" This was before her butt even hit the toilet. It got to the point she was obsessed with it and wouldn't let anyone else in the house go to the bathroom alone (and I am not kidding). We had a cheering section each time one of us had to go to the bathroom and she'd run into the kitchen afterwards and announce "You get 5 M&Ms Mommy!" Thanks, Carrie.

I told her teachers at school about this one day and they decided to implement this at school as well (only the kids would only get 1 M&M). So while we've slowly backed down on the M&Ms and are now not doing any, the school is still doing them.

Flash forward to the past few days of daily reports for Carrie. They indicate on the report whether or not she peed/pooped on the potty. The girl was pooping like FOUR times a day at school, but not at home. Then yesterday Miss Lizzy wrote this on her report:

"We've had to limit Carrie to one M&M a day because she's trying SO HARD to poop each time she goes to the bathroom :)" (and yes, the smiley face was on the report)

That's my overachiever. Kid's gonna blow her colon out because she's determined to get a freakin' M&M. I want to tell her that, with her mother's history in this arena, she'd better not be doing anything to screw with her GI tract. I fear the pull of the M&M is far stronger than that, though.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh what a night(s)...

The past couple of nights have been WEIRD around the Reeves V household. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning Carrie decided it would be a fantastic idea to come snuggle with Daddy at 5:45am. I wasn't even aware that she was up and at 'em until I left the bathroom after getting ready and heading out at 6am. Apparently it only got more crazy yesterday morning because Jerry was telling me all about how Carrie and Bailey started wrestling each other and chasing each other around our bedroom at about 6:05am. All the while Jerry's trying to go back to sleep and convince Carrie to come back to bed and snuggle with him. From the sounds of it, it didn't happen. Good times :)

Then last night Anna went to sleep at 8:30, woke up at 9, went to sleep at 10, woke up at 11, then went to sleep for good at 11:30. That's not the weird part for last night. The weird part is the 2am "Daddy I'm done with my nap" discussion between Carrie and Jerry. Really? This is the first time she's ever done this, this getting up truly in the middle of the night and padding all the way down the length of the house to our room. I don't think she even realized I was still in the bed; I think she really thought it was time to get up and start the day because she went straight over to Jerry's side and was all "I'm done with my nap!" (in a whispered voice, of course). Jerry gently explained no, you are most certainly NOT done with your "nap" so let's go back to bed. He took her back to her bed, tucked her in, and when I left at 6:15 they were still asleep. You know it's been an interesting night when you tell your husband bye and he just says "Where are they?" As in - where are the kids? Are they in their beds where they should be???

Monday, March 1, 2010


So I know I haven't posted much lately. I've spent the better part of the last two weeks or so trying to convince our nanny, Kayla, that she'd be making a ginormous mistake by leaving us to move to Greenville. It's my own selfish reasons of course that I don't want her to go. But family duty calls for her, and I can't help but respect that. I hate that it's happening now and not in January when Anna would be enrolling at Carrie's school, but still :) So she'll be moving soon and her last day with us will be 3/12. I haven't told Carrie yet...I'm just not sure how to break it to her. With Carrie this could go one of two ways - she could either act like nothing's wrong when Kayla doesn't show up on the following Monday morning....or all hell could break loose. There could also be a combination of the two, which is probably the most likely scenario. Kayla has, in the short time she's been with us, really become like part of the family. I can't explain how Anna lights up when she sees her. For awhile there, there were only two people that could even think about touching Anna - Mommy and Kayla. Anna's gotten better now and even handed out some smiles while we were interviewing potential nannies this past weekend (of course, she also pooped all over Jerry at the same time, but oh well!). But will the new nanny send me texts every so often to let me know how Anna's doing, every now and then throwing in a cute picture to help me get through my day? Probably not unless I specifically ask. Will I want to go out to dinner with the girls and the new nanny if Jerry's not in town? Who knows....

So we're on the hunt again for a new nanny. Hopefully this will be the last time we have to do this since Anna should be at Carrie's school in 2011. Everyone cross your fingers for us!