Monday, March 22, 2010


Anna's starting the process of eating solid food, but not without a fight.  It's weird territory for me because pretty much as soon as we put food in front of Carrie she ate it like she'd been starving her entire life and there was no looking back.  This kid has a clear preference for milk, though, and so it's been a little more slow going.  We've tried bananas which were met with a lukewarm reception, sweet potatoes were met with a weird face, and squash was just plain spit out.  Jerry, Kayla, and I have all tried different ways to get her to eat and she'll take at most 2 bites and be done.  Joan (the new nanny) did get her to eat an entire cube of sweet potatoes but over the course of an entire day.  Then all of a sudden last night it was like she decided this eating solid food thing wasn't so bad and ate all of her bananas, even opening her mouth up wide for another bite each time.  Hopefully this is the start of a trend and not a one time event!

(and yes, she has clothes - this is just the easier way to do food these days!)

I'm making my own food again this time around which is way easy (and way cheaper).  This website is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to do the same.  Super Baby Food is another great book to help get started.  And my sister-in-law gave me a few wonderful books when I did this with Carrie that have all kinds of yummy recipes for kiddos just starting out on the solid food track (thanks Aunt Alston!), which I am happy to report I've managed to keep up with throughout all the moves we've had since Carrie was born.  I dusted those off this weekend and will be putting those to good use very soon.  For now I think carrots or apples are up next on the list of foods to try. 

Oh, and we finally made a decision on Carrie's third birthday party.  This castle will be in our backyard, along with potentially 16 other screaming 2 and 3 year olds.  Invitations will be going out shortly.  Everyone please say a small prayer for us. 

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