Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bedtime conversations

Some of the best/funniest conversations we have with Carrie happen at bedtime.  Take last night for example.  Jerry was messing with me and telling Carrie that I had to go to "school" today....this was actually my driver improvement course for getting in that wreck (if I took the class the ticket was dismissed and no points).

Carrie:  You're going to school tomorrow Mommy?
Me:  Yep.
Carrie:  I want to go with you!
Me:  The school I'm going to isn't much fun, honey.  You'll have more fun staying here with Daddy & Anna.
Carrie:  It's not fun?  Don't you have any friends?

Another new thing she's doing at nighttime if I'm putting her to bed is running through all the usual procrastination tricks - one more story, gotta go potty, I need some water, etc.  By the time I finally get her tucked in and am just at the door and telling her Sweet Dreams, I hear a little voice say "Mommy, will you rock me like a baby?"  How can you say no to that?  So I go to her bed and sit on the edge, pick her up and rock her like a little baby for a few minutes.  Those are some of the best minutes of my day.


a said...

love this blog entry... I can see it all unfolding before my eyes! carrie-boo, she is so smart! ;-)

Melissa said...

Absolutely precious. Sometimes I have to get Walker out of bed to rock him while he's asleep (don't worry I don't wake him up) just because I miss him.