Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reeves Family Dance Party

This is a new tradition in the Reeves' household, as in just started in the past week or so.  If I am recalling correctly it started when one night when Jerry was desperate to entertain Anna while I was bathing Carrie.  I come out of Carrie's room and hear Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow" blaring and my 9 month old be-bopping on Jerry's lap.  The kid was having such a great time.  So now it's been a nightly ritual:

Last night was no different.  Jerry was entertaining both girls while I was doing laundry or cleaning up or something....I went over to the kitchen table to see what they were listening to, and this is what I found:

Too much party for the littlest Reeves


Carolyn, aka Lady said...

Make sure we keep Kenny, Taylor and Sugarland on the playlist....!!

a said...

ha ha... anna is wiped out!
loved seeing the evening ritual first-hand.
BTW, a jigsaw puzzle is on it's way to SC as we speak for Carrie.. 48 pieces... 48 big pieces!

Isabella Rhett said...

That is too funny!