Friday, October 1, 2010


Okay, so I've obviously been quite remiss in updating my blog.  It's been a whirlwind these past few weeks.  So much so that I've barely had time to sleep...oh wait, I don't do that anymore because ANNA DOESN'T SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT ANYMORE.  I don't know what this is.  She started waking up literally 4-5 times a night again right around her first birthday.  I was still nursing her at that time.  Granted, we backed off of that and are now no longer nursing, which probably didn't help the situation, but DEAR LORD.  I cannot operate well on 1.5 hours of sleep, which is what I had last night.     

I literally just called the doctor to schedule an appointment for her this afternoon.  I was sure that they would laugh their heads off when I told them why I was bringing them in....I believe I said something like "I want to make 100% sure that there's no medical reason why she is acting so crazy.  If there isn't, then I honestly don't know what we'll do.  Jerry suggested perhaps letting her sleep out on the back porch, which, after last night, isn't sounding like such a bad idea.

On a good note, work's going rather well.  I got a new title - Assistant Director, Human Resources & Career Services.  I'm a little overwhelmed at everything that I am now responsible for, but hey, it's a little more job security, right?!

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