Monday, December 13, 2010

Martha freaking Stewart

I love to cook.  I would rather bake than cook a meal anyday, so I love the holidays.  It's my excuse to bake things to give away as presents.  But for all the baking I've done I've never tried to do a traditional sugar cookie where you make the dough, chill it, roll it out, cut with cookie cutters then frost.  So I decided that this year is the year to do it. You know, since I don't have anything else going on like studying for a major certification test, finishing out year end stuff at work, two small children who's idea of helping is to create a disaster in the living room....nothing like taking on a major baking project. 

Carrie and I made the dough on Saturday night.  Trying to explain to a three year old why you could only make the dough and not actually bake the cookies was a bit challenging.  So first thing Sunday morning we got out some of the dough and rolled it out and Carrie used the cookie cutters to cut out bells, angels, candy canes, gingerbread men and Christmas trees.  She thought it was great, I had so much fun watching her have fun, and Jerry loved the trimmings of cookie dough that were left over. 

We baked the cookies and I took on the task of frosting them.  This was a first for me and even though they may not look as nice as hers, you can just call me Martha Stewart. :)

Stay tuned...I still have to frost the bells, angels & trees so I am sure I'll take more pictures of my handiwork!


Carolyn, aka Lady said...

It is way you are my kid.

Grandmama said...

Still waiting to see the rest of the cookies. I used to love to cook good thing because with four kids I did'nt have much choice.
But never like to bake much as you know.
Love Grandmama