Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We are officially homeless!!

Well, not really since we are still in the cottage, but you get the idea. Our house closed yesterday, and I have verified that the check is sitting in my account. Whew. I never thought I'd ever be so excited to not be a homeowner in all my life. It's still quite surreal, but it's a nice feeling knowing that we can concentrate on the future now, rather than feeling like we are tied house-wise to one zip code, and family/work-wise to a completely different zip code. At least now is the time to buy a house....and it doesn't seem to be turning around anytime soon. :)


Jen Dalton said...

Thank goodness~ I know you guys were ready to close this chapter. The good news is that right now is a great time to buy a new house!! Love you all!

Carolyn, aka Lady said...

YIPPEE! Seriously, this is a great weight off you and Jerry....time to really move forward now!

a said...

Yay!! I knew it would happen!