So I got my first pregnancy Remicade today, which went quite uneventfully, thank you very much. I think I had all of the poor nurses freaked out though - nothing like a pregnant lady waddling in to get an IV infusion to set folks on edge! Got my tylenol & benadryl, then the Remicade and took a nice 3 hour nap. My nurse said she kept coming in and checking on me and I was sound asleep until the pump beeped and I was out of juice. I'm in "negotiations" with my GI right now as to the schedule of treatments....when a person first starts this medicine, you have what's called an induction phase where you go once, then go two weeks later, then four weeks after that, then every eight weeks. I contend that I didn't have to do that when I came back on it from being pregnant with Carrie (a lapse of 10 months), but current GI thinks it's been too long and I have to go through the entire induction phase again. Hopefully once the PA relays the info to him that I've already been down this road once and came back on it after a 10 month hiatus I won't have to do that, but we'll see. It would only mean one extra treatment than what I was already expecting, but still...only want to have to to do this the absolute minimum number of times! Baby's still kicking around in there, so that's a good sign. The plus side of these treatments is definitely the built in nap during the day though. Nothing like it :)
Also, I was able to eat my very first meal with NO stomach cramping AT ALL for the first time in about 2-3 months (mmmmm.....Moe's). Coincidence? Placebo effect? Perhaps. I choose to believe the meds are already kicking in, though.
On a fun note, one of my very good friends from my college days is making her way down to visit as I type. It should be lots of fun! Nothing exciting planned for this evening, but I've got a babysitter coming tomorrow to hang with Carrie while we go out to dinner and a movie. Not sure what we'll go see, but I told her I didn't care as long as I got some movie-theater popcorn :)
Good deal...glad everything went okay. I was thinking about you!
Good to hear that all went well with your infusion and I'll be hoping it makes you feel much, much better.
Love and hugs xxx
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