Thursday, February 17, 2011


That's how a few of us in the Reeves home are feeling these days. Just blech. This weekend Lady came to visit us, which was lots of fun for the girls....apparently so much so that Carrie got so excited and gave herself a tummy bug. We went to dinner on Saturday night to Jim N Nicks, normally one of her favorite places because of the cheese biscuits they bring out for you to munch on while waiting on your food. She ate one of them then wanted to lay down in Lady's lap. Not a good sign. She ate maybe two bites of mac n cheese and that was it. We got home and she snuggled on the couch with me while Lady gave Anna a bath. Then poor Lady came out to sit on the couch with us, Carrie crawled over there, and within about 30 seconds threw up in her lap. Pretty sure it might be awhile before Lady comes back down to visit!

So once we get Carrie feeling better, Anna starts feeling puny. Thankfully she doesn't have the throw ups, but definitely has a fever. She was feverish Tuesday but fine Wednesday morning, then I saw the school's number pop up on my cell around 2:15 and was practically packing up my stuff before I even answered the phone. So she's hanging out with Whizzy today while Mommy & Daddy went to work.

Of course, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be at work on Thursday....I've been feeling a sinus infection coming on for a day or so now, and not sure how much longer I can keep it at bay! Guess I really do need to go find an ENT/allergist like Jerry's been hounding me to do....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Favorite Place

Anna has a new favorite place to visit - the library. She's been there a couple of times before, but back when she probably didn't really understand books all that well. These days she absolutely LOVES books and will quite literally come over to you, open your hand, and place a book in it for you to read to her. So when we entered the kiddie section of the library yesterday she thought she was in heaven. It was so very quiet in the library, as libraries tend to be, but then my kid came in. I put her down she looked around and just screamed "BBBBBOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKSSSSS!!!!!!!!" After I got over my initial embarassment of her breaking the silence, I was so excited that she was that excited. I could let Carrie wander off a bit in the kids section to go pick out a few books, which was good because Anna wanted to take every book off the shelf, flip through it, then toss it behind her and keep going.

Hopefully we have another little nerdlet in the making ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'M BACK!!!!

It's been a whole freaking month since I posted. Bad Kristy!!! I know I always say this, but it's been pretty busy! One of my new year's resolutions was to post more. Guess I already fell off the bandwagon on that one, huh?

I feel like I do have a good excuse though - I now have some more initials behind my name! I took and passed the SPHR exam (Senior Professional in Human Resources). It was a loooong road - I started the class to prepare for it back in October, and just took the exam on 1/31. The very last day of the testing window, I might add. Gotta love waiting till the absolute last minute. I'm sort of proud of myself for passing - it's not a given that everyone that takes it passes. The exam typically has about a 50% pass rate (according to the governing body of the folks that put out the test). And what made me even more nervous was there wasn't anyone from our study class standing up and saying they had passed yet. Eek. But my geek gene must have kicked in and so I PASSED!!! Now I just have to keep up with the recertification credits - 60 hours over 3 years. I'll take that any time over having to study and take that exam again.

So now that I have all this "free" time, I'm embarking on new projects. You know, like cleaning my house since I feel like I haven't in a few months (not true, but you get the idea). Setting up a budget. Getting organized. You know, all the fun stuff :)

Now I'll leave you with a pretty cute picture I got from Jerry today. Carrie had to have a shoe box covered with solid colored paper for her Valentine party, and it had to be at school today so they could decorate it. I totally forgot to do it last night since I passed out around 8:45 because I was not feeling great. I got a text this morning asking me where the construction paper was, so I told him and check out what he made! :

Check out the perfect corners....I told him I thought this box was probably the most stable, well-constructed Valentine's box since an engineer made it. I don't think I'll be doing the present-wrapping in our house anymore!!