Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Things I am thankful for

This seems an appropriate time to reflect on what I am thankful for, not only because it's Thanksgiving, but because I'm going back to work on Monday and I think I'll need to remind myself of all the wonderful things in my life when I have to leave Anna at home that morning!
-My wonderful husband (and not only because I think I've just about got him convinced that he can handle both girls on his own for at least part of the day after Thanksgiving so Mom and I can go out in the fray of Black Friday shopping). He is an amazing person and I am so glad to have him in my life. He is the best dad ever (right up there with my own dad!). I love watching him interact with our girls. And he is my biggest cheerleader, constantly pushing me to believe in myself more than I ever have.

-My girls. I can't believe that I have two daughters now! Sometimes I have to pinch myself and remind myself that they are indeed my children....still seems odd to use the plural form of child, but I'm getting used to it. Carrie is such an amazing little girl - truly not a baby anymore. She's 2 going on 20 if you ask her. She constantly amazes us with what she's learned in her two short years, talking about how her favorite dinosaur is the T-Rex, and that Thanksgiving is all about the "Penguins" (that would be Pilgrims for those not well versed in toddler talk) and Native Americans. No joke, she really did tell me all about the Native Americans on the way home yesterday. And Anna just is growing by leaps and bounds every day, getting her own little personality. On the one hand I can't wait to see how they interact as they grow up, and on the other hand I want so badly to keep them just as they are right now so they'll never grow up.

-My parents. They have made me into the woman I am today. They love my children as much as I do. I'm finding it so hard to put into words how I feel about them as I'm sitting here typing, so I'll leave it at the fact I hope I am at least half the person they are, because I'd consider myself successful.

-My inlaws. Don't think I would have made it through the past year if it weren't for Whizzy & Pop Pop!! Whizzy runs car pool just about every single day for Carrie and while Jerry was out of town and I was growing more and more pregnant by the second, she knew just when to offer to hang out with Carrie for a bit so I could have some down time. Pop Pop has dealt with our crazy house search and helped us out tremendously, and barring any catastrophes we'll close in about three weeks on our third house!! And when we move out I can honestly say that I truly love my inlaws as much, if not more, than the day we moved in (and I would dare say that not many folks out there could say that!) This also includes my sisters-in-law, which are really more like my sisters :) I've known them for about 11 years now, and they are amazing young women.

-My family. I don't get to see all of the members of my family very often now that we live in SC and they are in GA/MS/FL, but I think about them often and know that, if anything happened, they'd be here for me in a second.

I think that about covers it for now!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanks honey!

I have such a great hubby :) He is very conscious of the fact that, in order for me to be a great wife/mother I too need my "Mommy time" which is what we call it when I get to actually leave the house sans children. Yesterday was my weekly "mommy time" and I went all over the place and did all kinds of errands without any little helpers and it was great. Don't get me wrong - I obviously love my kids - but grocery shopping with a two year old and a two month old is not high on my list of favorite things in the world to do. So even though Anna still gets a little cranky whenever I'm not around, he sent me on my way yesterday morning. I immediately went to Starbucks to get my java chip frappuchino (yum!) and started marking things off my list. I was only gone for about 2 hours or so, but it's amazing what two hours can do. I was surprised at how much I got done in that timespan...I managed to go to Starbucks, Target, Petco, Blockbuster, Publix, and get gas all in two hours. Jerry was amazed when I came back home because he thought I was going to be gone for the better part of the afternoon. Be careful what you wish for, dear.... :)