Monday, April 6, 2009


So now that everyone knows I'm expecting, I can whine on here a little :)

Why is it that when you are pregnant (or, at least for me), the only foods I really crave are things that you "shouldn't" be eating? Take deli meat for example. I've never been one to make a sandwich to take to work every single day for lunch, but now that I'm not supposed to have it, it's all I want. Same thing happened when I was pregnant with Carrie. The only thing that sounds good at lunchtime is a giant Subway Italian BMT. I broke down this weekend and got a big sub at Publix, but only after I really confused the woman and asked to have the meat heated up to steaming on their grill since that's supposed to kill any bacteria since the worry with lunchmeat is listeria. I think that sub was THE best sub I've had in a loooong time. I got a foot long so I had the other half for dinner after Carrie went to bed, but only after I had an internal argument with myself as to whether or not I still needed to reheat the meat yet again before eating. I decided to err on the side of caution and heated it up once more. Did you know that deli meat can make REALLY loud pops in the microwave? I know there are some reading this that think this is overkill, but with my history of Crohn's and ability to catch any and all bugs within a 50 mile radius, I ain't taking any chances, people.

The other thing I'm craving is hot dogs. Oh man, I think I could eat a hot dog at every meal, no problem. These are bad because of the nitrates (not to mention fat, but seriously I'm not too concerned about the fat content of foods these days since I lost weight when my Crohn's flared, prompting my doc to tell me "I want you to eat/drink anything and everything you feel like you can"....not sure you should really give a pregnant woman that kind of blank check). I bought some hot dogs at the grocery store last week, and let me tell you they taste soooooooo good. I just need to get my willpower working a bit so I don't eat them all!

Okay, enough whining :)

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