Just today, in the space of about two hours, I've had two staff members here at work make comments to me about my pregnancy. First off, they weren't solicited comments, so it's not like I was looking for their opinions anyways, thank you very much. Second, and this is the funniest I think, BOTH of them were from women that have never had children. Interesting, no?
First comment came from a good friend of mine here at work who's older than me by about 25 years and spent a good portion of last year telling me how I was crazy for going to China because she just knew something bad was gonna happen. Okay...whatever. Obviously I went and came back just fine. Today she starts in on the whole swine flu thing. Yes, I've been paying attention to it. Yes, I realize it's a concern. Yes, I'm going to talk to my doctor next time I see her to get her take on whether or not it's a good idea for me to still plan on going. Yes, we're getting travel insurance. As if I'm going to just throw caution to the wind (cause that's my style, and all...yeah right) and say "screw it! I don't care that I'm pregnancy I'm gonna be selfish and still go abroad, swine flu be damned!" She then felt the need to just barge into my office a bit ago and inform me "You aren't going anywhere in June!" Um, okay. Since you have obviously gotten a medical degree in the past two hours, I'll definitely listen to you over my doctor. Whatever.
Next comment comes as I am at the vending machine. What can I say? It's 3:45, my sugar's low, and yes I want some m&m's. I am pulling the bag of m&ms out of the machine as I hear "What are you eating!?!" in this semi-shocked voice. I just turned to her and said "Whatever I want to eat!" Snarky, yes, but please. I don't need nutrition advice from someone's who's never been pregnant. It's not like that's the only thing I'm eating all day long!! This comment also came from the same woman who, upon finding out that my husband is a 5th said "oh no, you aren't going to keep that going if this one's a boy, are you?" At that point I just smiled and politely told her "And that, my friend, is EXACTLY why we don't tell anyone any names until it's printed on the birth certificate and too late for people to interject their opinions."
Seriously? These people must not have enough to do if they can keep these kinds of tabs on me and my belly.
Chill out, child! Musta been a bit of a hormonal day!
Just kill 'em with kindness; they won't know what to do.
End of Mom advice (for today)!
Do as your Mom says .Just kill them with kindness.
I know what you are saying because when all of our four were small and I would take them all out somewere people would ask me [Is all of children yours . Sometime I felt like telling them no that I run a day care . But I always said yes they are and smiled at them.
Love Grandmama
Just hang in there .
Oh, I just would have been fuming!
Some people think they have all the answers.... not!
love you!
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