Why oh why does the swine flu have to hit NOW? When I am preparing to go see my husband, whom I have not seen since March 14th (and that was only for a week, mind you) for a glorious 10 days in Spain/Portugal? I know I am just feeling sorry for myself, but I am really trying to wrap my head around the very real possibility that our "babymoon" will be derailed once again (our last one was derailed because of a dog with a bum leg that had to be repaired surgically...how's THAT for dedication to your pet?)
I know there are way worse things out there to have to deal with. I know this intellectually. Hormonally is a different story people.
Let's all do a "go away swine flu" dance and hope that miraculously in the next 5 weeks this gets solved. Good thing I bought trip insurance.
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