Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I miss my kids.

This sucks. I've been out of town for approximately 62 hours now, and I am just counting down the hours till I get back to Savannah (that would be approximately 48 more hours). I'm in Atlanta for a conference. I got here at 8am on Sunday, and will be back on Thursday evening. This is the longest I've been away from Carrie since she was born. I was very conflicted about coming to this conference in the first place. I mean, before it was sort of a treat to travel for work. I never did it very much at all, so when I did, I looked forward to going somewhere different, staying in a hotel, and getting some "me" time all at the same time. And I was sort of looking forward to that with this trip as well, but I was over that by about 8pm on Sunday evening when I realized Carrie was probably sitting in her "Carrie" chair throwing back her nightly milk, and I was missing it. I'm not kidding when I say I almost lost it yesterday at the Georgia World Congress Center. I came out of a session and almost walked right into a woman who had her baby girl laid out on the floor getting her diaper changed. She must have been right around the same age as Carrie. I got tears in my eyes and had to go call Jerry just to see how everyone was doing. Carrie of course chose that time to actually say Mama - perfect timing, kiddo.

I miss Jerry & Bailey too. I think I've called Jerry no less than about 10 times in the past two days. To add insult to injury, I get home around lunchtime on Thursday...just about the time he'll be leaving to drive up to Atlanta for his MBA class. And I'm sad that I haven't seen Bailey come flying up the driveway to greet me when I get home.

I keep going back and forth with this - one second, I'm so thrilled at the idea that I can eat a meal without having to share mine and tear it up into little bits, then the next second I realize there's no way I can eat all of the food I got because I'm not tearing it up into little bits and sharing. One second I'm excited that I can read a book that has no pictures in it, then the next second I'm reciting "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to myself.

So I guess since it's 7:30 and I'm done for the day I'll go finish eating my dinner, watch an episode of Lost that I've missed, and try to ignore that, right at this very moment, I'm missing bathtime.


Jen Dalton said...

Love ya girl...hang in there. It is very hard to be away no matter if you are getting some quiet time or not.

Grandmama said...

Your feeling are just normal for a Mom who really loves her family as much as you do and as close as you all are.And she will say Mama more times than you want her to .But I know how you have been waiting on her to say it.
Love To All Of You
Grandmama & Papa