Thursday, March 26, 2009

My little girl isn't so little anymore....

Where has the time gone? I find myself putting together plans for Carrie's 2nd birthday party (Elmo is this year's theme). Izzy sent me this picture of her from this morning when they were leaving for school. My first thought was "My kid is SO cute!" (just a little biased, really). Then my second thought was "When did she get so BIG?" Sniff, sniff.


Grandmama said...

Thank Izzy for us we had been waiting for a new picture.
She is getting so big and yes she is so cute.
Love To You all
Hug and kiss that cute little girl
for us.
Grandmama & Papa

Jen Dalton said...

Oh Kris, she is getting so big!! Every picture I see...I just want to eat her up. Hope all is well!

Amanda said...

She is such a cutie!