Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Panic & Separation Anxiety

I know I know...I promised to give blow by blow updates on what happened in Portugal/Spain, and I will. I just had to get this out before I exploded though.

I have those lovely little ticker things on my iGoogle home page. You know, the ones that count down to whatever event you program into it. I have one that happily announces that Carrie's 3rd birthday is 299 days away...and another that says it's a mere 72 days until Baby Reeves #2 arrives. SEVENTY-TWO DAYS, people. And that's assuming this child does not try to make an early appearance (please don't, little one - your daddy isn't back yet!!) Can you say that panic has officially set in? There is so much to be done from my perspective and not nearly enough time to do it (what with me all but collapsing on the couch after Carrie goes to sleep in the evenings). There's so much crap in storage that I need to haul out and start getting cleaned up and ready like car seats, baby bathtubs, swings, etc. Carrie's big girl bed isn't in yet, but when it does come in we'll have to do that little transition which hopefully will go well (note to self - I still need to get some sheets for the poor child to put on the bed). There's all this stuff that I had planned on getting done while Jerry was gone that hasn't materialized yet, like making sure Carrie's baby book is all up to date, photo albums are current, etc. And oh yeah, there's the little thing of us still not having bought our own home yet. I seriously thought we would have by now after selling our FL house in February, and we had several prospects, but we honestly just lost steam on it for awhile and had so many other things going on it got pushed to the side. Plus it honestly freaks me out a bit at the idea of buying a home without Jerry actually seeing it with his own two eyes (yes, I know I can email pictures and video, but it's not the same!) I know all this probably sounds silly to many, if not all, of you, but these are the things that keep me up at night so don't make fun. I just know that two children does not equal twice the work - from what I hear the work grows exponentially instead (how's that for a GT dorkism?). I can't promise I won't have an anxiety attack before this is all said and done! ;)

On another note, poor Carrie does NOT like for Mommy to take her to school apparently. She had a meltdown on Monday for whatever reason when I dropped her off. I think it was a combination of me waking her up early, her not being used to me dropping her off in the mornings, and the final straw was when we got to school and realized Miss Elisabeth (her favorite teacher) was not there. Cue gigantic tears from the wee one, and it broke Mommy's heart too. Yesterday was "water day" so she didn't hesitate at all about going to school since she knew kiddie pools and sprinklers were in her future. Today we had more tears before I even tried to give her a kiss goodbye. She just glued herself to my leg and when I sat down with her for a minute she plopped right in my lap and stuck her thumb in her mouth. Thanks to some quick thinking from Miss Rita, some snacks and a sticker the morning was saved. It just breaks my heart to see her crying like that when I know it's because I'm about to head out the door. I'm not sure if it's just typical toddler behavior or if she's afraid Mommy is going to disappear for awhile again like I did when I went to visit Jerry. Either way it sort of stinks (even though I know she'll be fine)!


a said...

it will all come together in the end. mom and dad will be home soon to help out!!
we sent ms. carrie a care package yesterday.

love and miss,

The King Girls said...

Hi! I haven't looked at your blog in a while, and wow, lots has happened! Congrats on the second baby! And I can't believe how big Carrie is! She looks JUST like you. Being a mom, and a single one even temporarily, can be tough. Hang in there. Here are some recent pictures of my girls. They are almost 10!! Take care!