Monday, March 21, 2011

Thank Goodness for Technology

Cause if not for it, I'd probably just have to stay at home for the next couple of months and burn through all of my sick/vacation time and then just not get paid! My boss has been generous enough to let me work from home part-time while my knees are healing. For the next 2-3 weeks I'm going to work at home M/W/F and be in the office T/Th. After that I'll re-evaluate and perhaps go to 2 days at home a week for the remainder of the three months it's supposed to take to heal. Keeping my legs propped up really does make a huge difference.

All this laying around starts to work on my head, though. I hate not feeling like I am contributing. Chasing after the girls is next to impossible, and Anna's not really feeling like listening to me when I ask her to stop running away from me these days :) Carrie is being incredibly cute; every day when I pick her up she asks me "Mommy are your legs still hurt?" and she'll sit beside me on the couch and rub my knees to make them feel better.

Oh yeah, and I start PT on Wednesday. I have a feeling that should be interesting!

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